Does throwing a fit become inappropriate. We are talking FULL fit here folks. Like on the floor kicking my legs yelling snot filled fit. Honestly at what age is one supposed to cease fit throwing ? I feel like a good fit might make me feel soooo much better. I also want to know who decided to make moving the most stressful thing in the universe. Seriously, screw you, whoever you are.... not cool. I am trying to fit my life into boxes, I have a LOT of life.....and clothes. OK, so its really just the clothes.... The below photo is a rawther accurate rendition of my bedroom, only with less clothes, and less pug toys.

But honestly anyone reading this who would like to come and take care of this for me. That would be great. And I would give you a hug....
So I will be packing for the next 5 days (minus Thursday and Friday, because duh, I'm going to play in Disney) so anyone who wants to come join, please feel free ! PLEASE !!!
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