So apparently there is such a thing as happy weight.
I used to look like this.....

And then I met this great guy who made
me happier than anything
He swept me off my feet and made all my happiest dreams come true (cheese, i know)
I would not change a single thing about our life

Now I look like this
I'm really not ok with this. So I have decided its time for me to take control, starting tomorrow Miss MTP and I are starting a 'Complete Body Cleanse'. This includes lots of pills and not being able to indulge in my favorite things..... cocktails,cheese,bacon chocolate,crusty baguette with cheese.
Yooou get the point.
(i am currently watch MTP take her first round of pills....ever see baby mama ?)
There is more to this plan than a bunch of pills it involves the gym, healthier choices and just paying more attention to myself. I have a quasi goal, I would like to loose at least 30 lbs, I am not setting a end date bc I would like to see myself keep up with this. I am already aware how hard this is going to be for me, but I am determined, I want to have a great self image to go with my great life.
Wish me luck !
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