Thursday, December 18, 2008
“Now its time to say goodbye to all our company…”

Posted by KMK at 8:33 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
She's my best friend......
I know that I have written about MTP from over at Motorious in the past however I after a recent text conversation I was moved to again discuss how much I love that witty little girl....
Its a thing of beauty to have a best friend who will send you text to try and cheer you up... with texts that read "wow, friend the lady on intervention drinks WAY more wine than you do"........ now while one may take offense to something like that it makes me smile. Now the fact that I then tune to a&e to watch intervention, and then call said bff in a fit of crying giggles over the women on intervention (ed.note: while it is not funny to laugh at someones serious life struggles, this episode was a serious exception) and don't even need to speak bc she answers her phone in the same fit of giggles. Now THAT dear readers is a true friendship....
Since living in FL I've missed my little buddy, she was like a permanent fixture in my life in Charleston. Even JGra misses her. I really missed her while packing my house up last night bc the last time I was packing MTP and I had a wine/pizza/ Seth's My Girls Mix party to make the move less painful. If everything works out as planned and she comes to join us in Philly I will be over the moon to get my bff back.
I now will share the other main inspo for this post, its a text convo between MTP and myself...
MTP: They are doing construction next door and just blew up our toilet. KMK: Um what? MTP: Water came shooting out of the toilet and it gurgled and our entire bottom floor smells likedoodie. KMK: Ew gross MTP: And scary. And we went to tell them and they said "yeah,that was from us. You shoulda been sitting on it when that happened!". No.False
I love you MTP !
Posted by KMK at 9:19 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
At what age does.......

But honestly anyone reading this who would like to come and take care of this for me. That would be great. And I would give you a hug....
So I will be packing for the next 5 days (minus Thursday and Friday, because duh, I'm going to play in Disney) so anyone who wants to come join, please feel free ! PLEASE !!!
Posted by KMK at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Very Merry Family Friday

Sorry I have been so negligent lately, between the move, Christmas, work and pugs there has not been much time to blog. JGra and i both had the day off today, and we made a full family day out of it. We tried to watch my #2 favorite Christmas movie Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but Mimi the smush-faced pug, had another agenda. Which was to make sure Rudolph and his highly suspicious friends did not escape from their tv holding cell and wreak havoc on our house. So after that highly unsuccessful attempt at a Christmas movie we packed up the kids and headed to the beach to take our Christmas card photo(which came out GREAT !). The beach is the pugs favorite place in the world. They got a good game of fetch in with dad while mom froze her fanny off..... YIKES the first few weeks in Philly will be brutal !!!

Then Mimi and Daddy drove us all home !
hope all of you have a great weekend !
Posted by KMK at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
happy birthday to you ?
Dear JGra,
Don't worry that's not your cake..... after slaving away over you sugar free carrot cake I could not bear to photograph it....it now sits in the bottom of the trash. You know I pride myself in my kitchen talents, so you are also aware of how sad this makes me. Also your sad child face is not helping, as I have already cried about ruining your birthday cake ! Apparently my knife test was lying when it said the heart shaped cake was finished. For when I arrived home from work and uncovered it I found that the heat of the cake and the moisture had made a green carrot cake. We will not be eating that..... I'm sorry I ruined your birthday... and that you caught me blogging crying and drinking red wine about ruining your birthday cake..... I love you.
Happy Birthday
Posted by KMK at 3:49 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
All I want for christmas...
Posted by KMK at 2:46 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Dear Potential Employers in Philly
Hire me ! I am creative, smart, cute and fun. I also am very well dressed..... need I be anything else? Please get back to me with your job offerings...
Posted by KMK at 8:21 PM 0 comments
There's no place like home....
That Dorothy Gale wasn't kidding "there's no place like home" So Jgra the pugs and myself are headed "some place where there isn't any trouble." "Do you suppose there is such a place, dear friends" "There must be. It's not a place you can get to by a boat or a train. It's far, far away. Behind the moon, beyond the rain." No... its not somewhere over the rainbow its.......... PHILADELPHIA !! That's right dear readers, we are headed back home !!!! After a 3 year adventure its due time ! I have loved all the places I have lived since leaving philly, I would not trade the experiences and friends along the way for ANYTHING. But it's time. I'll be home by Christmas and I could not be more excited !
"And I'm not gonna leave there ever, ever again, because I love you all, and - oh, Auntie Em - there's no place like home!"
Exciting news aside, things have been hectic so I PROMISE to post photos from my trip home and my new hair (iloveit!) very soon.Tomorrow the girls and I are headed to Disney to see all the Christmas lights !
Bring on the Lions Tigers and Bears !
Posted by KMK at 6:30 PM 0 comments