The first person I'm going to share is M.T.P, but to me she is Friend. Friend is the godmother of the pugs and my one of my bestest friends in the world, I love her honestly like a sister. I have so many funny stories and great memories with her from Charleston (to be continued in Philly. holla). She is an unbelievable friend who will drop anything if you need her. Also she is incredibly smart and NEVER gives herself enough credit ! (oh plug to her blog over at http://mo-torious.blogspot.com/)
What are your faves
a) color: Cerulean
b)book: Still Life With Woodpecker
c)movie: The Graduate
d)song that describes you: hmm, good question. Ill go with I Will Possess Your Heart by death cab only because of the delusional hope for love
e)food: what food don't I love? That said, probably papa Johns cheese sticks or mussels pistou from Rue.
2) How do you know me ? Shucks. Holler.
3)What do you want to be when you grow up ? I want to write children's books.
4)Tell me about your perfect day ? I would drink margs on the beach with all my friends and build a sand castle and play mermaid in the water. And the dogs would be there. And we would have kosher hot dogs and tofu pups. Yum!
5) Fall, Winter, Summer or Spring and why ? fall. I love the pies and the squash and the leaves and Halloween and football and the way it smells when somebody is burning a bonfire.
6) If you could buy a plane ticket right now where would you go ? probably San Francisco. Just to see it.
7) Most embarrassing thing you have ever admitted to AND don't mind me posting on a blog ? oh. Geez. My first real crush was on the cartoon fox version of Robin Hood. That is pretty sad and embarrassing and probably says terrible weird things about me if you ask Freud. (kmk note: i knew this secret and frankly was surprised to see this as your choice)
8) A real person in your life that you are beyond proud of and why ? is it weird to say my dad? I mean, maybe pride is a weird word for it, but when I look back on him raising three girls more successfully than Danny Tanner did, I think that's something to be proud of. (kmk note: this is not weird at all)
9) Favorite memory with me ? this is really, really hard to answer. Oyster roast is a definite contender. It was so nice outside and it was me and you and oysters and beer. Oh, and Curtis spewing stuffed shrimp everywhere. Also! My twenty dollar shucker that I bought and subsequently lost. That made the oyster roast even more memorable.

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