Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME

This Royal Dandie Piggie is what I want, please and thank you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's good

I have been a terrible blogger as of late. It's not because I don't have anything interesting to share, it's the opposite. I have so much going on that I don't have the patience to come up with an organized blog post. Plus the last few days has given me BEAUTIFUL weather ! Which means adventure dates to junk stores, sunburns, and $10 pitchers of margaritas. I promise to come up with a good and worthy blog soon !


Thursday, April 9, 2009

A gal could get used to this....

After a delight day off filled with dog parks. Ms LG and myself are enjoying some margaritas, as she caramelizes some onions. My house smells delish. Pugs are tuckered out, and I am enjoying my afternoon

Monday, April 6, 2009

Home is where the tummy and the heart is

here is our home, and the delish Gnocchi, caramelized onions and broccoli rabe dinner that Lauren made us. The joys of living with a chef.... also adorning our doors and windows are the delightful flowers I have wanted for weeks, SJ surprised me with them today.Life is super good !

Sunday, April 5, 2009

SJ is a menace

Lauren moved in to the GGDH, and SJ and myself could not be happier to have our buddy living with us.
While moving all of her worldly possessions into the house, SJ and Lauren realized that her Queen sized bed frame did not fit up the tiny stairwell and its darling archway ( which now has a large hole that SJ will be fixing ASAP !). So SJ thought that a hammer would be the best way to smash in the side of the frame to fit it up the stairs. Lauren was ok with this plan, so SJ smashed away, with no success. Next step is to take a saw to the corner. This also didn't work. So they carried the frame into the dead cat graveyard. The cats now live in it.

Spring is here

And its beautiful in the city !
Spring in the city is my absolute fave, it means.....
- hoodies
- drinks in the sun
- picnics in the park
- long dog walks
- city adventures
- gardens and flowers
- outside dining

its good