If there is ANYONE who has enjoyed this recent move home, its the pugs. They are in attention overload (ed note: attention overload is NOT possible for pugs). Our days consist of snuggles and nice walks with fetch, followed by more snuggles. With as you can see some trips to the beach in Cape May (their favorite beach, I know this b/c they told me). I like to believe that this is making their adjustment easier. But who am I kidding. they would have been fine anyway, this is just spoiling them more (if that was even possible)

As far as the humans are
JGra has started his job and is so far enjoying is very much. Your truly is now playing the waiting game. As far as a job for me, I went
thru a placement agency and am letting them do the job search for me, allowing me more time to house hunt. The hardest part of this move is the fact that I don't get to be with
JGra, he's been my
roommate for the last 3 years and not being with him 24/7 is super weird. The grand house hunt is doing nothing more than stress me like crazy pants. Pretty sure house hunting in Philadelphia is a big joke, I will be keeping myself busy needless to say. I'm sure everything will pan out well. Taking the advice of Dory the fish...... "just keep
swimming, just keep
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