Friday, January 16, 2009

There's a rat in the kitchen...

And his name is Remy and he is a bigger foodie than myself. Really I am writing this blog because I forgot how much I loved this movie. MTP would never go see this film with me because she was grossed out at the concept of a rat in the kitchen. I wish she would have given the film a chance b/c this little rat Remy is like I said a big foodie, and MTP is like myself a big foodie. Honestly friend, watch this movie, you will love it, Remy is the kinda rat that would love fondue night at Fast and French (p.s. friend I really miss fast and french). Ratatouille is yet another great Pixar film, I would say my favorite up there with Nemo. Plus its all about the love of food, and well lets fact it for me food is love.
Not being able to cook right now is one of the things (amongst others that I will not bore you with) that is KILLING me ! Spending a cold day cooking with good music (Rat Pack style) and my helpers (aka pugs) seriously tops my list of favorite things to do. I can't wait till a few weeks when I get to be in my own house and cook dinner for myself and JGra, and any visitors we may have (open invite LEB).
I will leave you with a quote from the flick:
Anton Ego: I don't LIKE food, I LOVE it. If I don't LOVE it, I don't SWALLOW.


Moira said...

"If I don't LOVE it, I don't SWALLOW."

...That's what she said.

Love you!