You watch a movie that moves you, a film that really makes you think about what you are doing. Or in this case NOT doing. Last night my lady friend Ms.Biron and myself went to see Gus Van Sant's film Milk, first off if you have not seen it, run. NOW, to go see this movie. The film was so incredibly moving. It was wonderfully cast and very well done, blending old footage with Mr.Van Sant's work. Easily the best movie I have seen this year. Sean Penn was amazing at playing the late Harvey Milk, California's first openly gay elected official, his mannerisms captured the quirks belonging to Harvey perfectly.
In the beginning of the film Harvey confides in his partner Scott that here he is at 40 and he has not done anything yet that he is proud of, the movie goes on to show how in the next 8 years of his life Harvey became an icon in San Francisco and a fighter for gay rights. John Cloud commented on his influence, saying "[After Milk] many people—straight and gay—had to adjust to a new reality he embodied: that a gay person could live an honest life and succeed."

So after and during this film I began to think, here I am at 24, and I have nothing to show for it. I used to have a lot more passion and drive. I used to be much more of a fighter and advocate. Spending my weekends and free time fighting and speaking for those who had no voice. In the process of trying to grow up, that girl has gotten lost. I don't know where exactly she is, well I know physically where she is located. She is sitting in front of a computer at her parents house blogging, trying to figure out what to do with her life. It's still me, I still care deeply about these issues however, for whatever reason I stopped speaking out and fighting. I think I have been looking at this whole move home the wrong way, I've been super stressed about finding a job to try and make money, and while yes unfortunately making money is a necessary evil, I think I need to take this time to get me back. Every good fighter has a comeback, thanks Mr.Van Sant and Mr.Milk for reminding me its time for mine.
Great post! I saw Milk when it first came out and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wish that everybody would watch the movie and see the human side of a very important movement.
Get out there and do something, girl! Power to the people!
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