Few people are lucky enough t

o have 1 great girlfriend. I on the other hand am lucky enough to have more than that 1. This weeks featured friend is one of those great girls,
recently added a C (yeah)) has been a friend for many a year. I was fortunate enough to meet
LJK while working at a
lill' shop called
Zebop. Honestly it was the best job ever, we played whatever music we wanted(
LJ was the QUEEN of amazing mix tapes, also our boss got tipsy and ordered the lifetime 80's collection so we had LOTS to pick from) dressed up in the
redic clothing our owners ordered, made up dance routines and chatted about life, a lot. Pretty much we got paid for chatting and sometimes ringing up hemp necklaces and laughing at people trying on clothing. Other that the best job ever, I gained one of my best friends.
LJ is an amazing person, she seriously bleeds good from her soul. I have so many memories with this lady. I am proud to say I was with
LJ the first time she tried sushi, we had gone shopping all day and got take out from cape orient.....
LJ is, in case you didn't know a
HUGE fan of condiments.... so upon seeing the sushi plate popped the
ENTIRE ball of
wasabi in her mouth...love her.... I also would like to take CLAIM on a few things... this lovely lady used to mock my Lilly dresses and Vera b. bags....just a note...I really could go on for days with stories and memories.....like how when she worked at exit 0 we would sit on the floor and listen to The Juliana Theory and plot my marriage to Keith... I also remember the first time I met her future hubby at a diner in NYC, it was obvious to see that they were perfect together, and so happy (
ps they also had the best wedding ever) I'm so proud for
LJKC and for what
she has achieved, she is a beautiful woman with an wonderful life. Her spirit is stupendous, she has always put her friends in the highest places. She is one of theose people that make you happy just being around them (
she made me walk around NYC for a day looking for noodle hut, and while my feel hurt as we walked from one end of the city to the other, it was the best day I have enver spent in NYC) Also for anyone reading this who doesn't know her she has the best laugh in the world, no I am not kidding you..the world. My memories with her are some of my best, and they make me smile and tear up as I write this (
cheese ball I know)I wish her the best and love her with all my heart. Cheers to you LJKC !

The Interview.......
1) Who are you ? ljkc - monogrammer extraordinaire!
a) color - this is tough... I want to say pink but blue has always been there for me... and red defines me... and I love to wear green... and yellow makes me happy...
b)book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. (note from kmk: once LJKC kidnapped my exbf bc he agreed he loved this book, she took him shopping and bought me a stuffed black cat to replace my live black cat, JEF and I found them at the house after work drink woodchuck cider discussing the book)
c)movie "I am Sam" - if you've never seen it, rent it immediately. Actually, just go and straight-up BUY it - you should own it. All of you.
d)song that describes you - Superhero by Garrison Starr, obvs.
e)food - much like the color question, I am unable to discriminate in this department.
2) How do you know me ? We're ZeBabes fo'LIFE!
3)What do you want to be when you grow up ? a cartoon character... I'm still hopeful...
4)Tell me about your perfect day ? Oooo... perfect Fall weather, outside... doing something creative/relaxing... simple pleasures.
5) Fall, Winter, Summer or Spring and why ? Anything but Winter from Jan-March. It's just messy.
6) If you could buy a plane ticket right now where would you go ? Europe. Doesn't matter where. Seriously, get a map of Europe, throw a dart, buy a ticket wherever it lands and put me on the plane!
7) Most embarrassing thing you have ever admitted to AND don't mind me posting on a blog ? Hmmm... I actually don't get embarrassed very easily so I'm sure YOU can think of something I've forgotten... feel free to post whatever you can think of! :)
8) A real person in your life that you are beyond proud of and why ? I am beyond proud of my girlfriends. I am proud to have such strong women in my life - Mothers, sisters, hard-workers, thinkers and doers.
Favorite memory with me ? Shopping in CM - probably the day we found the plush
Tata, AKA: the Mermaid toy. :) :)

p.s. ignore my back fat in the last photo....xo