**advance notice if you don't feel like reading my political rants please excuse this and scroll down to the photos of the girl with a tape nose.....**
So for some on November 4th the wonderful election of Barack was a tad overshadowed, they also on that day learned that they had not been given the same right to marriage as a heterosexual couple. Anyone reading this blog who knows me, is fully aware of the fact that I am all for giving same sex couples every single right that their hetero couple friends have. That is not what this blog is about, this blog is about the fact that I keep getting invited to Support Prop 8 groups, and keep getting sign the petition for prop 8..... i live in Florida, in Florida on November 4th I voted on amendment #2. Every person who has sent me all of these prop 8 things resides in PA. I don't get why they are not out there getting involved in the politics of PA, no matter how many groups they join they CAN NOT VOTE IN CA ! I'm all for political activism, I think its great that the youth is getting involved in issues they are passionate about. However I just wish they would direct it to the right people, write the pa government, do something about giving our friends in PA the right they deserve, THAT is where your vote counts ! I did my part to pass it in FLA !
ok..... vent over (sorry if you read this and fall into the category of someone who sent me one of these emails/fb invites)
loves you KW
also MTP wrote an awesome blog today, everyone should read it.....
http://mo-torious.blogspot.com/2008/11/point-of-clarification.html ( i wish i knew how to do that thing where i type a word and when you click on it you are sent to the site, until someone teaches me we are stuck with the full link)
***later note from kmk***
thanks Friend
a- Call me.
b-Links are easy as pie. You just select the word you want to make a link and click the link button on your box, like up near the picture and italics buttons.
I'm thinking we may need to get some hotter pictures of me next time.
Top pic = best blog pic ever
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