Everyday I drive past and ask JGra if we can go one day, he always say yes. However we have yet to actually get there. This really only fuels my interest......well in Starbucks the other day I was reading on the bulletin board and saw a postcard with the bait shop on it and a bunch of writing. I asked my barista if i could have the card, and they said no, boo. So i instead settled for lots of camera phone photos to show my boss. I learned that this was in fact not a crazy bait shop (I only thought that bc there is a HUGE light up bait sign) but instead a center for reclaimed art ! Honestly this makes me even more excited than when I thought it was just a bait shop, so now I am drooling to go visit this place and meet the folks who run it ! Anyone who knows me even the teens-iest bit knows I'm a hippie at heart, and the whole concept of junk are is always something i have enjoyed. Here is the shortest and best description about them I could find.....
Hong Kong Willie. Hippie artist of the 60’s in the now. Hippie artist and Florida folk artist, living the life of using objects for many uses. Look at the travels of life. Hong Kong Willie. The name of the artist. In 1958 his mother took Hong Kong Willie to an art class. The name started then. An art teacher when doing crafts out of Gerber baby bottles, made a statement, in Hong Kong reuse was common. At that time he thought this was very interesting. His father had low-land, at that time landfills were common also. The county had told Hong Kong Willie’s father, it was safe, but as we now know this was not so. Something can come from bad to be good. Hong Kong Willie the name came from that art teacher impressing on that young mind that objects made for one use could be for many other uses. Hong Kong for the neat concept. Willie for an American name. So for many years Hong Kong Willie had a life of reuse. Hong Kong Willie saw forms in a different light, His life now was meaningful, knowing this was and would be his life. Art made from found objects, making less of a footprint on this world. Art and art teachers, HOW IMPORTANT. For the ones that have, and the ones who have not. Media can be found. Now 50 years later, we know now being green is important. We need to look at this very carefully. Our children and our world need a different understanding. Objects can be used in many different ways. Hong Kong Willie the tons of objects in his life that have been used, without much change, So for that art teacher what she did for my life. Thank You. I still have the Gerber baby bottle till this day. Hong Kong Willie.Hong Kong Willie Key West Artist and Tampa Tourist Attraction. Hong Kong Willie: Group of artists telling how to use objects for many different purposes. Looking outside of the box, learning to find solutions in a positive way. Complaining without a solution is like trying to wake a dead man. Nothing is going to happen. The solution to leaving less of a foot print on this earth is left to each one of us. Finding the positive side and focusing positive energy is change for the good. Hong Kong Willie has for many years looked outside of the box. Take a look at the other story told by University of South Florida on ways to change and the social impact we all can make. To live and help and not complain and spend that energy to leave less of a foot print is a good thing.
All contributed content © Hong Kong Willie
Later in my massive Hong Kong Willie google session I also found that they have an ETSY site !!! Family and friends be expecting a hong kong willie for festivus !
be expecting lots of fun friend photos from this weekend as it's a Disney Girls fest !
p.s. Go Team Edward !
hope you stop by, hong kong willie
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