Snuggles from a Pug.
Seriously anyone who lives a pugless life, I really feel sorry for you. I have always been a dog lover, and snuggling a puppy ranks almost at the top of my list, right behind a great glass of pinot noir and dinner in CM (almost any establishment) with JGra. But since I got Mimi, a good pug snuggle is quickly edging out the glass of wine and yummy food (that's nothing against JGra, as I know for a fact he feels the same way).
I think the biggest proof of its wonder is my mom, she has always HATED dogs, I do not use the term lightly, ask her. I was tormented as a child by the fact that I could never have a puppy of my own (I can't really in writing convey my love for dogs without making a fool of myself), so obviously the second I was able to bring one into my life I was on the hunt for my perfect dog. After much research I decided on a pug (Eloise played a HUGE part in this choice) and went out in search of my perfect pug. Mimi was it and I watched her quickly win over my mother, NOT an easy task, but the little bugger was convincing. She was the sweetest and funniest little dog, I had never seen anything with such personality, or a dog that had such a hard time grasping the fact that they were in fact a dog (she still is in serious denial). I watched my mom fall in love with this little pug, I along with everyone else who knows my mom could not get over it. I was also terribly upset that all my life I could have had a puppy if it had been the right pug ! See all it takes is a good pug cuddle session to turn even the biggest dog haters...
For anyone who has no idea what its like to enjoy a good pug snuggle, get in touch with me. You can come to my house and sit on my couch, that's all that is needed for my little ones. They will snug right into your lap, and you will quickly realize exactly what I am talking about. For me the bed is an extra bonus, they are like living stuffed animals who cuddle back, it truly is a wonderful thing, that on a morning that getting out of bed was already low on your list, well now its impossible. The pugs love to sleep and snuggle, so until you get out of bed they stay put in all their cuddle glory.

Tomorrow I am off to the homeland (the very very cold homeland) for some turkey and catchup with old friends. Its also my 5 year hs reunion, we shall see how that goes. I'm hoping getting schnockered and telling people how much I disliked them 5 years ago is not on the agenda. I'm thinking LEB and I should go Romy and Michelle style, claiming we invented something outrageous. Outrageous but practical, like those cereal spoons that allow you to drink the milk, bc they are also straws...
Well I will probably be mia for a few days....
Happy Thanksgiving !
I think it should be noted that along with "snuggling," the pugs also have a deep love for crawling all over you while you lay on the couch, pressing their tiny little paws onto little bits of you that hurt when pressed. Not that I don't love those buggers, anyway, I'm just saying...
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