I love love love this look. However short hair like this tends to scare me, not because I don't think it will look right on me, I actually look really good with short hair (vanity what ?). What I fear is a bad stylist.... a short trendy cut like that can turn me in to Ellen real quick (or trent reznor, ask LJKC) and force me into a life of bandannas and cute headbands. After a very long debate (slash argument) with JGra and talking to my mom (who did her job in reminding me that I reminded her to remind me when I go to cut my hair off that I like it long) I decided that while yes I enjoy long hair on EVERYONE else, long hair is not best suited for me. So with this decision made I will be waiting till my trip home to Philly in November, where Ms.LEB will accompany me to the chopshop to my fave stylist and oversee said cut. In the meantime I am prepping myself, tomorrow it goes to right below my ears...... hey it's only hair.
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