tidbits from my life to you
Posted by KMK at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Posted by KMK at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Posted by KMK at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Posted by KMK at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Posted by KMK at 1:28 PM 0 comments
On rainy days the little one loves nothing more than staying in bed all morning.....
But seriously Ernie, get up. I promise I'll stop trying to make you dance to the High School Musical soundtrack. Honest. Mom has to take you out so you don't pee in dad's clean laundry basket again(even when I laughed very hard about it, I still thought that was very bad of you to do !) . I have lots of errands to run today...... gardening, make a delicious dinner.... I promise I will get you and Mimi butcher bones....
please get up now ?
Posted by KMK at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Posted by KMK at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Being a new resident of Tampa this is all very fun for me ! Also is it me or is the Philly Fanatic (manatic if you're miss a.bomb) one of the silliest mascots, I mean silly in the BEST way possible.
Now here's the real post ! I know with budgets being tight for some this holiday season, gifting your friends may be something you decide to pass up on. However giving gifts (and picking out the perfect one) is something I love to do. I encourage you to get your girlfriends (and guy friends) together and have an Etsy Holiday Season (http://www.etsy.com/)
For those of you who don't know what Etsy is.... Etsy is a great website where artist (and crafters) can sell their handmade works. Its a great website that I have loved for years. So many things are one of a kind pieces and so much is super reasonably priced. Another reason I make this plug is because on the right hand side of this blog if you click on the Nie Recovery link you can from their navigate to the Etsy link where a group of the artist on Etsy have set up for some of their profits to help the Nielson family. Holidays are a time for giving, and in my book to be able to give to your closest friends and at the same time help a family who needs it, well it doesn't get much better than that.
Posted by KMK at 8:19 PM 0 comments
This morning after running a few errands Mimi and I sat on the porch and talked about life (yes Mimi talks about life while wearing a pink Juicy Couture tracksuit, she is very image conscious).
We talked about important things like who we will be voting for in the next presidential election, how we both miss MTP, and football Sundays and dinner parties at the old Charleston house. We spoke of how sometimes she wishes that Ernie would stop barking at invisible intruders at night. She also told me how she is very excited for our trip on Friday to Michael's and Starbucks, Michael's so that KMK can figure out how to salvage 3 garbage bags worth of pug snuggles and Starbucks for coffee. She listened to me as I told her how homesick I was, how I wished my plant wasn't dying again. How much I love that its starting to feel like fall. Mimi also informed me that she misses Earth Fare in Charleston, because at that market they did not try and kick her out. We are on the same page here, Mimi is much cleaner (and way better dressed) that half of the children sitting in the carts and the market ! The two of us discussed what our Christmas card should look like this year, and plotted on how to get Jgra to help KMK smuggle the pugs into the Magic Kingdom for a family shot in front of the Christmas Castle. All in all it was a good morning, full of wonderful discussion, a good pug talk is my favorite way to start any day.
Posted by KMK at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: sweet mornings
Posted by KMK at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: gross
Posted by KMK at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Posted by KMK at 12:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: F is for Friday Friends
I will begin this entry with a quick chat about my two little pugs Mimi and Ernie. Here is what I have learned about pugs in the 3 years they have been in my life... Pugs think they are people. With that said they also think they are above any rules. When you look into purchasing a pug its easier to find reasons NOT to buy a pug than to find a breeder. Now don't get me wrong I love my puggletts more than anything ! But they are very bad little dogs......This morning when I went to get into the shower I noticed I had blue ink all over my foot. I am aware that sometimes at night my sweet ones go on nocturnal adventures, these adventures USUALLY involve a good purse rummage looking for a treat that I possibly forgot to give to them during the day. They never find that, they usually find pens and lipstick.... They usually bring these things back to the bed and ruin our sheets and comforters (more on that later), so assuming that's where the ink came from I went to look. And now a conversation between me and Ernie.... look at the photos for an illustration....
KMK: Oh little puggy....
Ernie: If I sit on the bed right in front of the spot maybe she won't notice and give me a lamby ear.
KMK: Ernie what did you do !
Ernie: What ? I don't see a spot right next to my foot on your brand new sheets. I'm not getting a lamby ear huh ?
KMK: (moving pug foot) Ernie I see the spot right here !
Ernie: Maybe if i just stare blankly at her in my cute bandanna (jgra calls it his gay little cape) from my Aunt Laure she'll forget all about this.
KMK: If I can not get this stain out there will be NO dog beach this weekend !
Ernie: So, no lamby ear ? Well I'll just hide over here and look at you then
(note the ugly comforters from our college dorms that we sleep with, I USED to have the most beautiful white comforter, until Mimi ate a tube of red mac lipstick on it...)
Posted by KMK at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: pug trouble
Posted by KMK at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: adventures in fla
The other day I was jonesing for a good arts and craft project....(see right). I had decided I was over spending tons and tons of cash on these super cute feather headbands that are all the rage currently, so I peddled myself to Michael's and began to craft. Well crafting a headband with feathers lead to a slight glue situation, it also caused me to remember the time in middle school when a group of my closest girlfriends (look leb I'm talking about you on my blog for the first time !) were going thru a rawther intense grunge/alternative (aka piss off mom and dad) phase. We read that Courtney Love put glue in her hair, and clearly she is a woman full of GREAT ideas... so we did it obviously, but none of us would EVER admit it was a terrible idea. Having recently had pound of glue in my hair, and at the grand old age of 24 I can now totally admit that putting glue in your hair is an asshole thing to do.... sorry C.Love
Posted by KMK at 5:31 PM 1 comments
Labels: bad childhood ideas
Already off to a good start, I just had an entire paragraph written here that I somehow made vanish ! Maybe I should looking to magic school.....(note to self add magician to list of things I can be when I grow up)
After much deliberation and a serious talk with my boss I have decided to give this whole blog thing a whirl. I worry that people view bloggers as folks who feel they are self important and honestly believe that the entire world is interested in every single thing that they do. I promise you I do not feel this way. I'm fully aware of the fact that the majority of the world would read a blog written by me and be like "wow, that girl is loopy". However I guess all I can promise you folks is that this blog will be full of grammatical nightmares....and some funny stories about me and my life
Posted by KMK at 4:54 PM 0 comments