How KMK, Mimi and Ernie will be spending our Halloween Evening. Also not to be left out of the above equation a yummy homemade pizza. It also involves a fake pumpkin and 8 fall scented candles and the 3 of us sitting around in our costumes. For the first time in my entire life I did not carve a pumpkin (the past 3 years the pumpkins jgra and I have carved have turned into pumpkin soup very fast), just an fyi to ALL of you, NOT carving pumpkins for halloween is a one way ticket to sadville. So I went to Michaels and got a fake non-rotting pumpkin. It will do, sort of. I also got candy for the children who will not come. What we do tonight is a halloween tradition of sorts since I have been living on my own. Every year I get all excited and dress myself and the puppies up to wait for the trick-o-treaters. Alas they never come, and I am left with candy (jr.mints this year). Oh well may
be next year they will come...and this will be our pumpkin ----------------->
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