Don't ask me HOW I did it, but I today went looking for my Ugg slippers and have found that there is only 1. I am pretty sure at some point when I first moved here I have worn both of them, which mean one is not hiding in the Charleston house. So seriously, where is the other one ? Eaten by a pug ? Or as MTP suggests was it really taken by the ghost of Dobby ? But why would Dobby come all the way from his lovely resting place at Bill and Fleur's to steal my ugg ? However it seems to be the most logical reason. So Dobby if you are reading my blog today, please can I have my missing slipper, please return it. It's cold in my house !
p.s. please ignore my resemblance to Dobby in the photo on the right. Its very cold in my house and I can not face getting in the shower. My apologies.
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