Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday stands for SVU

It was a pretty quiet day here for us, JGra had to work all day so it was just the pugs and I. We woke up early had breakfast and went for a walk while the coffee brewed. Only to come home and discover that we were 3 episodes deep into a Law and Order: SVU season 9 marathon ! Anyone who knows me already is aware of my love tru love obsession with Elliot Stabler (aka Christopher Meloni) a deep true love goes back to him playing violent sociopath, Chris Keller on OZ (once I met him in NYC and dropped a drink on his foot).
Now don't get me wrong nothing makes me more excited than a good bottle of red and a SVU marathon, however I don't REALLY want to spend my day on the couch watching t.v. I'm sure there are plenty of people say "so just get up and go do something" however it's really not that easy. As I know J.E.F and M.T.P can vouch a persons SVU addiction is a disease RIGHT up there with CSI:Miami addiction. Don't ask me why its these two, I can escape from a Law and Order: Criminal Intent marathon easy. So long day of TV watching.... and pug snuggling and wine drinking.
Only other exciting thing that happened is I discovered a cockroach in my bathroom, after living in Chas I totally came to understand living with the palmetto (a blog for later on to show how I knew JGra was a good man)but a roach is a totally different thing ! Upon discovering said roach (who I have named ugh!) I trapped it under a glass spice bowl (this is standard bug procedure in the K-G household as KMK can NOT smoosh bugs in paper) and left it there for JGra to dispose of, only he thinks its funnier to just leave it there to torture me....jerk