After wrestling the puggies out of bed and a quick am walk I headed off to the market.
One of the things that I miss the most about living Cape May is going to the market on my pink triple basketed beach cruiser (RIP bike, and THANKS again to the jerk in Charleston who CUT DOWN A TREE to steal my bike, honestly I hope it was worth all the work). Even in the cold I loved riding my bike to the store, its one of those simple pleasures for me. I don't know how to explain it but it just is. I also made a trip to Michael's, that place is super dangerous for me. They also have great sales all the time, needless to say I will be starting work on my Christmas cards tomorrow....
I don't have a green thumb. In fact its black, I kill all plants. Jgra jokes to the pugs that they should be happy they are not a plant. Today I decided to "dead-head" as my Granny calls it, our large hanging plant.....now all that's left are these 4 green sprigs. Oh little plant, I hope you make a comeback. However I HAVE managed to keep this big fern like plant thriving. Only question I have is..... what are these things ? Why are their alien like pods growing in my plant ?

I LOVE getting things in the mail (hint hint)! Yesterday I received a wonder
ful care package from my mommy ! Inside was...... MY 2008 LIMA BEAN FESTIVAL SHIRT !!! "BEANjamin Franklin" Get it, bean, lima bean ? Just a little shout out to my FAVORITE clothing store in the world Flying Fish in West CM, NJ (http://www.theflyingfishstudio.com/) for yet again making a GREAT shirt ! Also inside the package were my new earmuffs ! Made especially for me by my wonderfully talented mother ! She will be making me more as i have requested a collection..... now I just wait for the cold (come on fl give me SOMETHING) ! She also sent Halloween collars for the pugs with glow and the dark ghosts ! Thanks mommy !

For dinner tonight I will be making my Domestic Goddess Cousin SKB's delish spinach tofu lasagna. This was always my favorite dish she used to make during the summer. Its pretty simple to make. Get in touch with me if you want the recipe. I have yet to tell JGra that he will be eating tofu for dinner, he has a slight aversion to the stuff. When dinner is all said and done and he says how yummy it was i will show him the tofu box. To make up for the tofu betrayal I have made him a sugar-free (for the most part) pumpkin mousse pie ! JGra and I share the same love for Pumpkin Pie ! But him having the 'betes means that a sugar filled pumpkin pie is not really the best idea...... so i have pretty much perfected ever sugar free/ sugar light pumpkin dessert that exists.... THIS one is my own creation ! So I've prepped what I consider to be a pretty decent dinner, topped off with a nice bottle of pinot and life is good !
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