Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Why I love my friends.....

In June prior to LJKC's wedding a movie was watched....the movie was called Teeth (if you have yet to see it, rent it, but before you do PLEASE read the synopsis, for I don't want to be responsible.....)

Well after watching the movie wonderful dinner discussions and songs were created on the topic of vagina dentada..... also sparking me to find this Sew-on Vagina Dentata Patch on etsy (see below). And posting it on LH's facebook asking if she would like this as a festivus gift...... thus bringing about the following conversation....

kmk:ummm i was thinking of getting you this for Christmas.....

lh:Huh. Now I'm trying to figure out where it would go. I'm thinking it would make a sweet lapel pin.

kmk:its a GREAT conversation piece....

lh:Good call! I bet it would vastly improve my social life if I were to sit by myself in a bar, order tequila, sit there stroking it, and then sniff my fingers while making purposeful yet indiscriminate eye contact with everyone in the room.

kmk:the above comment is why you are my friend....

lh:Yes, it's a filthy job that you are perfectly suited for.

kmk:i just used this for a blog entry

i love my friends